Serving Others
Serving God's people in our parish, our community, our country & our world
Sunday Social Hosts
Sunday Social Hosts serve coffee, juice and pastries in the social hall to parishioners most Sundays after the 9:30 AM Mass.
Individuals or families can serve in this role. It's as easy as making a pot of coffee, setting out some snacks and doing a little clean up.
Please sign up for this ministry in the back of church. For more information please see the Sunday Social instructions posted in the church kitchen or contact the parish office.
Funeral Ministry
Please notify the parish office to begin the process of funeral arrangements.
At the family's request, the parish provides a luncheon following funerals held at St. Joseph.
If you are interested in helping serve funeral luncheons, please contact Charlotte Bottolfson at Seven One Five-294-3798.
Prayer Line
If you would like to have a friend, relative or yourself added to our Prayer Line, please contact:
Lala Graf via the parish office or Sue Rector at Seven One Five 417-0181
They will help you with the process of getting your intention on the prayer line where parishioners will add their prayers to yours.
Back Pack Program
In partnership with The Open Cupboard food shelf of Osceola, the parish takes part in the Back Pack Program during each school year. Each family is asked to bring a box of Hamburger Helper or Tuna Helper each month to help with this program. If you are able to bring in more, it is gladly accepted.
The Open Cupboard's Back Pack program provides students with a back pack of food to take home each Friday. This food helps children get the nutrition they need over the weekend when school breakfast and lunch are not accessible.
Blessing Baskets
Each year during the Advent season, the parish supports the Blessing Basket program by donating clothing items, diapers and money for grocery gift cards.
Postcards listing needed gifts are posted on a bulletin board in the entry of the church. Parishioners take the postcards, purchase the items on the card and return the items to church. Clothing gifts are brought in wrapped packages. Diapers and cash donations do not need to be wrapped.
The Blessing Basket coordinates the distribution of the gifts in the Osceola area.
Box of Joy
Every fall, parishioners pack shoeboxes for children in need. The boxes are donated to Box of Joy for distribution in Central and South America. Shoeboxes are filled with small toys, personal care items and school supplies.