Parish News & Events
Please see the current Parish Bulletin for more current and upcoming parish events and happenings.
Parish Cluster Bible Study
Join us for Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled at St Joseph Church in Osceola for eight Mondays, February 17th – April 7th from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. Registration forms are available in the information section of each parish or can be printed from the link below. For more information contact Lala Graf at (715) 294-3652 and leave a message. Registration deadline is February 10th.
The Gospel of Luke takes you on a journey that begins with the foretelling of John the Baptist’s birth and culminates in Jesus’ ascension into heaven. Along the way, you will witness key moments in salvation history, including the Annunciation; the Nativity; Jesus' baptism; his public ministry; the Last Supper; and Jesus’ suffering, death, and glorious Resurrection. The Gospel’s powerful prose and beautiful details will deepen your desire to draw closer to Jesus and be transformed by his teachings. The Gospel of Luke continually reveals how Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. With Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled, you will experience joy as you see how God has been faithful throughout the ages and how God’s promise can guide you in your everyday lives.
Feast of St. Joseph Novena
Join us for a 9-day Novena in March in honor of the patron saint of our parish, culminating on March 19th, on the Feast Day of St. Joseph, with Mass and Dinner! The Novena will begin on Tuesday, March 11 with Mass celebrated each day at 6:30 PM. (Except Saturday and Sunday, which will follow the normal weekend schedule.)
Tues. 3/11 Mass 6:30 PM Wed. 3/12 Mass 6:30 PM
Thurs. 3/13 Mass 6:30 PM Fri. 3/14 Mass 6:30 PM
Sat. 3/15 Mass 4:00 PM Sun. 3/16 Mass 9:30 AM
Mon. 3/17 Mass 6:30 PM Tues. 3/18 Mass 6:30 PM
Wed. 3/19 Mass 6:30 PM FOLLOWED BY DINNER
Please consider making the full Novena or attending Mass on some of these weekday evenings.
LIFT Events
Monday, Feb 3rd 6:00 PM
Dinner at Tippy Canoes
Meeting at Assumption
Knights of Columbus
​​Fourth Sunday
of the Month
After 9:30 am Mass in St. Joseph's Social Hall​